Counterinsurgency Operations

Counterinsurgency (COIN) operations are actions ...

Culture and Religion of Enemy

Current Status: In recent years ...

Treatment/Interrogation of Irregular Combatant Prisoners

Current Status: The United States ...

Military Under Foreign Command

Current Status: The current national ...

Rules of Engagement

Current Status: Rules of engagement ...

Social Engineering in the Military

Current Status: Ideologically driven politicians, ...

Standards for Combat Personnel

Current Status: Combat is obviously ...

Religion and the Military

Current Status: In recent years ...

Civilian Control and Treatment of the Military

Current Status: The U.S. Constitution ...

A Crisis of Leadership

Current Status: The military suffers ...

MV Home (How these topics are developed.)

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welcome-picWe are glad you are here and hope you are compelled by our assessment of the US military and solutions to greatly improve current problems.

The US military and its culture has suffered over 25 years of steady degradation based on social engineering and other politically-based decisions. This is especially true and serious with military units that face front line combat duties. The damage is significant—and the path to correct is long and difficult. seeks to educate—first by making available detailed information about the current problems of social engineering and political correctness on the United States’ military; and second by presenting what individuals can do to effect positive changes towards correcting these problems.

How information is presented: Our insight about current US military problems that affect combat effectiveness are accessed from the Topics pull down menu above. On the topical grouping webpage there is a summary statement with links to significant details. All of this information is meant to educate in a scholarly way.

Resolving this Problem – How you can help: It is amazing what we each can achieve together—if there are thousands of us that are coordinating and contributing a small amount of time and resources to tell others and help fund the education and solutions provided by See more information under the pull down menu above called ‘Resolving this Problem‘.

Notwithstanding the heavy weight of social engineering and political manipulation—our combat troops still bravely perform and missions are achieved. However the casualties and level of mental trauma for those that come home is unnecessarily large. We invite you to join us to help reverse this appalling situation for the great good of our fighting men and women, their families, and our country.